$0.00 Raised for Access to Justice Idaho

Charity Goal: $250,000
Money Raised: $0.00

Your generous donations make the world a better place. Thank you for giving!

About Access to Justice Idaho

Please help us to reach our fundraising goal of $250,000!  Access to Justice Idaho raises funds to provide support for the three principal providers of free civil legal services for poor and vulnerable Idahoans.  There is an urgent need for funding for DisAbility Rights Idaho (DRI), Idaho Legal Aid Services (ILAS), and Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program (IVLP), which have seen drastic cuts in their funding sources at a time when demand for legal services is at an all-time high.

A contribution to Access to Justice Idaho will ensure these Idaho organizations continue to serve the poor and people with disabilities throughout Idaho in cases such as domestic violence, foreclosure prevention, disability claims, access for long-term case, guardianships, and other legal services that would otherwise be out of reach.

Thank you for your consideration in making a tax-deductible donation to Access to Justice Idaho.  For more questions, please contact Shay Beckwith at 208-344-4500.
