We appreciate your support!

The Carbon Valley Half Marathon & 5K supports Autism Research through a family running event showcasing spectacular views of the Rockies.  We bring our community together to continue to educate and improve lives that are affected by Autism.  Our goal is to raise significant funds every year to benefit Colorado Children’s Hospital Autism Research with returning participants and new faces each year.


What is autism?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.  Autistic disorder, sometimes called autism or classical ASD, is the most severe form of ASD, while other conditions along the spectrum include a milder form known as Asperger syndrome, and childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS).  Although ASD varies significantly in character and severity, it occurs in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and affects every age group.  Experts estimate that 1 out of 88 children age 8 will have an ASD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, March 30, 2012).  Males are four times more likely to have an ASD than females


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Autistic disorder, sometimes called autism or classical ASD, is the most severe form of ASD, while other conditions along the spectrum include a milder form known as Asperger syndrome, and childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS). Although ASD varies significantly in character and severity, it occurs in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and affects every age group. Experts estimate that 1 out of 88 children age 8 will have an ASD (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, March 30, 2012). Males are four times more likely to have an ASD than females.

Help a Fundraiser Team Below

Team Gardner Raised: $0 of $1000.00
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Recent Donors
Edward L Parker $15.00
Anonymous $20.00
Mya Baldwin $20.00
Anonymous $10.00
Top Donors
Gerald Geiger $25.00
Mya Baldwin $20.00
Edward L Parker $15.00
Jose Salas $10.00
Kirk Hallam $10.00

Fundraising Individuals

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