$100.00 Raised by Brampton 1860

Money Raised: $100.00

Welcome to Brampton 1860

Please join us in our campaign to raise money for the Eastern Shore Rabbit Rescue and Education Center! Every effort and donation helps our cause! We love our buns and have had the privilege of taking care of many special "kids" over the years including our Trixie rescued by ESRREC.

Eastern Shore Rabbit Rescue and Education Center

The Eastern Shore Rabbit Rescue and Education Center (ESRREC) is based in Rock Hall, Maryland. ESRREC ensures the health, safety and emotional well-being of abandoned pet rabbits on Maryland’s Eastern Shore through shelter and care, with guidance to the families who adopt them as companion animals.

To the team at the Eastern Shore Rabbit Rescue and Education Center, “rescue” is more than a word, it’s a promise:

A promise to Minnie, that we would give her all the attention she needed to thrive, even if that meant going to work with her foster mom;

A promise to Valencia, that we would give her the love, food, and medical attention she was denied in her last homes;

A promise to Harvey, that he would never be abandoned again;

A promise to Truffle, that we would take her to as many vet appointments as necessary to heal her leg, even if it emptied our bank account;

A promise to Beulah, that we would make sure she and her babies grew strong and found loving homes;

A promise to Speckles, that he would feel loved until his final breath and be loved even after;

A promise to rabbits yet to come into our care, that we will do everything within our power to help them be happy, be healthy, and be loved. 

ESRREC is a nonprofit corporation and has 501(c)(3) status.  We are 100% volunteer-run, including our Board of Directors.

Our geographic coverage focuses primarily on the Maryland counties to the east of the Chesapeake Bay.

Fundraiser Team Members:

Hilari Rinehart Raised: $100
Recent Donors
Anonymous $100.00
Top Donors
Anonymous $100.00

Donor Comments

“In memory of Pugsy, Bunny Foo Foo, Stewy, Higgins, Poly, Agatha Chumley, Colonel Steve Austin, Oswald, Harriet and Weeman.”

- Anonymous
