$0.00 Raised for Bel Inizio

Charity Goal: $10,000
Money Raised: $0.00

Your generous donations make the world a better place. Thank you for giving!

About Bel Inizio

Women in shelters feel hopeless, but you can help. By donating to Bel Inizio you can raise awareness and support to give these women confidence in themselves and hope for a brighter future.

It takes about $1,000 for a woman to complete the Bel Inizio program. We gratefully welcome all donations to help these women in their race for a better life.

$15  Helps us supply fresh fruit for a team for one night

$25  Brings smoothies and other healthy snacks to our teams

$50  Purchases a  client's team shirt and race entry

$100  Supports transportation to and from workouts

$500  Gives us the opportunity to provide a high quality graduation for one team

$1,000  Supports one athlete's complete program

$2, 000  Supports our expansion into more agencies
