The Dolly Dash 1k & 5k Fun Run/Walk on the Airport Trail
Participation Assumption of Risk, Release, and Indemnification Agreement
The City and Borough of Juneau (“CBJ”), and Juneau International Airport (“JIA”) are sponsoring the Southeast Alaska Association for the Education of Young Children’s (SEAAEYC) Dolly Parton Imagination Library Fundraiser, The Dolly Dash – Fun Run/Walk, to raise funds for the SEAAEYC Imagination Library Program. Proceeds will go towards purchasing and mailing Imagination Library books for children in SE Alaska who are enrolled in the program. This event will take place at the Airport Dike Trail on June 14th, 2025.
In consideration of my being permitted to participate or volunteer in this event, I agree to the following:
I assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident, which may occur during my participation or volunteering in the event or while I am on the premises of the event. I hereby release SEAAEYC, the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ), all event sponsors, promoters, volunteers, and all other persons and entities associated with the event or their agents or employees, or otherwise. I assume all the risks, known or unknown, associated with this event. I understand this event includes, but is not limited to, running, and walking on the Airport Trail, which is unpaved. If I am pushing a baby jogger or stroller, I also accept the responsibility for injury up to death of the child being transported in the jogger or stroller. I assume all risks including: the effects of weather; high heat and/or humidity; freezing cold temperatures; traffic and the conditions of the road including surrounding terrain. I understand that bicycles, skateboards, roller skates or inline skates, and animals are not allowed in the race, and I will abide by all race rules. I represent to the sponsors that there is no reason why I should not participate in this event, such as any medical condition, which might affect my abilities to participate. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to any aspect of my participation in this event, including the right of any official to deny or suspend my participation for whatever reason whatsoever. I understand that this event does not provide refunds in the event of cancellation, and by signing this waiver, I consent that I am not entitled to a refund if the event is canceled before or during the event.
Waiver and Release: By my signature below and in consideration of my participation, I waive and release SEAAEYC and the CBJ, its employees, and its agents from all liability, loss, and/or damage claim or cause of action, known or unknown, including but not limited to physical or mental injury, property damage, and wrongful death, that I may have against SEAAEYC and the CBJ, its employees, and its agents, for any and all injuries, damages, or death incurred in relation to my participation in this event at the Airport Trail, including those injuries, damages, and death caused by the negligence of SEAAEYC and the CBJ. By signing this agreement, I intend to release SEAAEYC and the CBJ from liability with respect to any damages or injuries caused by the unavoidable and inherent risks involved in participating in this event.
Photography Release: I agree that SEAAEYC and the sponsors may use such photographs of me or my child with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content.
I have read the foregoing and certify my agreement.