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Review Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk

Average Attendee Reviews


Most Helpful Review

Course: 3.0/5
Organization: 0.5/5
Poorly organized.

Signing up early and choosing a shirt size seems pointless if you're going to order a set number of sizes regardless of what people requested. Thanks for the xl despite my request for a medium. They took the time to place the bibs in a nice little paper bag but didn't include the safety pins, this was minor but annoying. They said no parking at the park but there was plenty of parking if you got there early. My wife and newborn didn't go because she preferred the privacy of our vehicle if she had to breastfeed.

Rick D. 0/0 found this review helpful.
Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk

2025 Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk Info

All Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk Reviews

Course: 3.5/5
Organization: 3.5/5
2021 Race Review
Review On:2022-01-06 09:00:25

Timings never posted

George S. has attended 5+ times 0/1 found this review helpful.
Course: 3.0/5
Organization: 0.5/5
2023 Race Review
Review On:2023-12-09 12:34:20
Poorly organized.

Signing up early and choosing a shirt size seems pointless if you're going to order a set number of sizes regardless of what people requested. Thanks for the xl despite my request for a medium. They took the time to place the bibs in a nice little paper bag but didn't include the safety pins, this was minor but annoying. They said no parking at the park but there was plenty of parking if you got there early. My wife and newborn didn't go because she preferred the privacy of our vehicle if she had to breastfeed.

Rick D. has attended 1 times 0/0 found this review helpful.
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Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk Review Details

The Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk reviews contained on this site do not neccessarily reflect the opinions of Race Entry or our affiliates. We have methods in place to indicate when a review came from a verified attendee. A review without our "verified attendee" seal may have still come from a real attendee, but we were not able to verify it. Look for Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walk verified attendee reviews that contain this symbol at the bottom of the review: Reindeer 5k Run/2k Walkverified review

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