Republic Town Hall Trot
Join us on 08/07/2025
(race date estimated)Republic Town Hall Trot Race Description
The Town Hall Trot is a 5k run and fun walk hosted by the Scipio Republic Area Historical Society on Saturday, August 7, 2021. All proceeds will go towards restoring Republic's Historic Town Hall.
A free race t-shirt will be included with your registration. Registration for the 5k is $25 per runner, and registration for the 1 mile walk is $20 per walker.
The top three male and female 5k finishers in the following age groups will receive a medal after the race: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 70-74, 75-79, and 80 & Up.
The 5k run will begin promptly at 8:30AM. Registration will begin an hour prior. Participants wishing to walk the 1 mile course will depart the starting line at 8:45AM. Light refreshments will be available in the Town Hall after the race.
New this year! Race timing will be conducted by Dave's Running!
**Event will be held rain or shine. Registration and payment is final.**
Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring our event!
About the Town Hall
The Scipio Republic Area Historical Society, along with Reviving Republic, is actively raising money towards restoration of the Republic Town Hall. The Town Hall was built in 1886, 133 years ago. It was, for many years, a center of activity in the community, hosting dinners and holiday dances. It served as the site of Republic High School graduation ceremonies in the early 1900s, and as the school for the years of 1914-1915, while a new school building was being built.
The Town Hall was also the site of the mass funeral after the horrible Baltimore & Ohio train wreck of 1887. For many years, through the 1950s, many remember attending traveling shows that performed at the Town Hall.The last time work was done to refurbish the Town Hall was in 1976, when the Republic area community came together to help in honor of the Bicentennial. It's time to restore this former gem back to its rightful place in the center of our community!!
Since the First Annual Town Hall Trot, the Historical Society was able to pay for a structural engineer to inspect the state of the building to guide our first steps towards restoration. The engineer deemed the building in good shape with a sound foundation, meaning restoration efforts are safe to continue.
If you have any questions about our efforts, or to become a sponsor, please contact the Scipio Republic Area Historical Society at
You can find the Scipio Republic Area Historical Society online at and on Facebook @scipiorepublichistoricalsociety.
- Location: Republic, OH 44867
- Race Date: 2021/08/07 08:30:00 AM (Saturday)

Republic Town Hall Trot Where & When
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 - May 3rd, 2025Republic, OH Weather
Last year the weather condition was Moderate rain at times.