Restart a Heart 5k
Join us on 07/27/2025
(race date estimated)Restart a Heart 5k Race Description
Hello everyone! For my senior project I am hosting a 5k to purchase a AED. I chose this as my senior project because in our community a large population of campers, fishermen, and water enthusiasts enjoy the Missouri River area. No AED currently exists in this area by the water, we know a AED can make a difference between life and death. The race will start at 9am on July 27th cost $25 per participant on race day. If you preregister it will be $20 per participant! All proceeds will be used to purchase the AED. You can walk, jog or run the route and strollers are welcome! To preregister you can contact me at (605) 207-0656 or you can comment here! More info to come as the date approaches.

- Location: Platte, SD 57369
- Race Date: 2019/07/27 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5k

Restart a Heart 5k Where & When
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 - Oct 5th, 2025Platte, SD Weather
Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.