Roktoberfest 5K
Join us on 10/08/2025
(race date estimated)Roktoberfest 5K Race Description
The Adena Women's Board is sponsoring the Roktoberfest 5K. A 5K run and 1 mile walk starting and ending on Riverside at corner of Paint and Water Streets in downtown Chillicothe during the annual Oktoberfest celebration. Funds from Roktoberfest will go to "Sleep Beds" for families of patients to use while staying in the hospital with loved ones and to support the SANE Program (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner).
Race entry includes free entry into Oktoberfest, t-shirt, and running bib. Enter by September 21st to choose your t-shirt size. Registration packets can be picked up Friday October 7th, 9:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M. at Mares Cares Counseling, 382 Arch Street Chillicothe Ohio, or on race day starting at 3:30 P.M.
Winning Prizes will include: Haunted Mountain Passes (Sugarloaf Mountain)
WreckCreations "Destruction Room"
Triple Crown Family Passes
Southern Ohio Axe Throwing
Chillicothe Civic Theater Tickets "Mousetrap Performance"
Gift Certificates to Downtown Businesses
A prize will be awarded for best dressed "German Attire"

- Location: Chillicothe, OH 45601
- Race Date: 2022/10/08 05:00:00 PM (Saturday)
- Adult 5K Run
- 1Mile Walk
- Youth 5K Run (9-17)

Roktoberfest 5K Where & When
Other Races You May Want to Consider
 - Apr 12th, 2025St. Elizabeth Healthcare Honor Run Half Marathon
 - Nov 9th, 2025West Virginia Breast Health Initiative Race for the Ribbon
 - May 3rd, 2025The Run for Their Lives Half Marathon and 5K
 - Jul 5th, 2025Bellies to Booties
 - Apr 12th, 2025Neon 5K Bunny Run
 - Apr 19th, 2025Popcorn Day & 5K
 - Jul 19th, 2025Break the Cycle
 - Aug 23rd, 2025Tecumseh Canoe Race
 - May 31st, 2025Fairfield Avenue Mile
 - Jul 12th, 2025Chillicothe, OH Weather
Last year the weather condition was Sunny.