3rd Annual Run to FosterHope
Join us on 05/18/2025
(race date estimated)3rd Annual Run to FosterHope Race Description
The 3rd Annual Run to FosterHope is officially SOLD OUT! Thank you for your interest in fostering hope with us this year. Please stay tuned for future race details.
If you are a registered runner for this year's race the details below are for you.
FosterHope Sacramento's 3rd Annual Run to FosterHope!
We're excited to bring back our 5k and free kids run! Scheduled on Saturday, May 18th in beautiful Land Park in Sacramento to celebrate Foster Care Awareness Month! Enjoy a beautiful day at the park while helping youth in your community!
Funds raised will support our community-based programs that help stabilize and support children and youth in crisis, while providing hope for a better future.
Event Details
The 5K course is flat and will utilize the trails in William Land Park located next to Fairytale Town, Funderland, and the Sacramento Zoo, making it an ideal route for runners and walkers.
There will also be vendors, food trucks, info booths, and kids activities - Making a fun event for everyone. All paid registrations will receive a T-Shirt and Finishing Medal. (late registrations are not guaranteed a T-shirt on race day). Join us for a day dedicated to Fostering Hope!
Packet Pickup/ Pre-Registration
Skip the line on race day and join us at Fleet Feet Sacramento or at FosterHope to pick up your day of race materials! See the dates, times, and locations below.
Fleet Feet Sacramento
2311 J St, Sacramento, CA 95816
Tuesday, May 14th 11:30 am - 6:30 pm
Thursday, May 16th 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
FosterHope Sacramento
4144 Winding Way, Sacramento, CA 95841
Friday, May 17th 9:30 am - 3:00 pm
Race/ Event Schedule
8:00-8:25 am - Check-In begins
8:40 am - Line up at Starting Line
8:45 am - 5K begins for Runners
8:50 am - 5K begins for walkers
10:00 am - Kids Fun Run Dash
10:15 am - Winner Announcements
10:30 am - Raffle Draw
Stick around after the race for our Family Fun Day to see FosterHope in action! Enjoy games, a jump house, sack races, music, arts, crafts, and more! Free parking and prizes up for grabs. Bring the kids and let's have a blast together!
The event will conclude at 1:00 pm.
Stay in Touch
Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on what we're doing at FosterHope in preparation for the race and beyond! Be the first to know about flash sales, new event details, vendors, and how your participation has a positive impact on the lives of the children, youth, and families we work with every day!
Non Running Opportunities
We are also looking for volunteers and sponsors to support this event! Review our available sponsorships and volunteer roles to learn more!
Prepare for your race with expert coaching from Coach Chris of Goode Athletics!
Goode Athletics offers personalized 1 on 1 virtual run coaching that can help you take your running to the next level.
Whether you’re training to cross the finish line of your first race ever, or you’re aiming for a big PR, Goode Athletics can help you get there.
Visit their website to get connected, and start running Goode!
Event Transportation
FosterHope has partnered with Sacramento Regional Transit to provide our event participants and volunteers with a free ride flyer! Visit SacRT's website or print the flyer below!
FosterHope Sacramento is a local family service agency, our programs consist of traditional foster care programs, community based children and family services, and juvenile justice intervention programs. To learn more, visit our website at fosterhopesac.org
Dog Policy: Dogs are allowed at the park but must be on leash at all times due to city regulations. However, due to the size of the path and the potential for crowded areas, we are asking to not have dogs run with you during the race.
- Location: Sacramento, CA 95822
- Race Date: 2024/05/18 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Individual - SOLD OUT
- Running Late Registration (no shirt)
- 5K (Senior 65+)
- 5K (Youth 3-17)
- Late - 5K (Virtual)
- 5K Sponsor a Youth Runner
- Kids Fun Run Dash
3rd Annual Run to FosterHope Where & When
Most Helpful Review
Run to Foster Hope
Fun event for everyone. Supports a great cause.
beautiful day, park, people, and event. location was great, weather was great, face painter was awesome ;0) Everyone was welcoming and having fun, the kids obstacle course was adorable and the food trucks were delicious.
Can't wait till May 18th
Last year was so fun I can't wait till this one.
Run to Foster Hope
Fun event for everyone. Supports a great cause.
Sacramento, CA Weather
Last year the weather condition was Overcast.