Shine A Light on Teal 5K Run/Walk Awarness
Join us on 01/22/2025
(race date estimated)Shine A Light on Teal 5K Run/Walk Awarness Race Description
This walk is to bring awareness to Sexual Assault. We have teamed up with The Julie Valentine Center in Greenville Sc. Some of the proceeds will be going to 5 clients who are receiving assistance from the center to get a spa treatment or yoga session.
Our mission at Coal 2 Diamond is to provide a spa treatment, yoga session, guidance, and resources for women who have experienced sexual assault.
Join us and help us give these women and men a moment of peace while they adjust to their new normal.
Thank you,
Laurasha Sadler-Lovett

- Location: Greenville , SC 29601
- Race Date: 2017/01/22 08:12:00 PM (Sunday)
- Run/ Walk Individual
- Run/ Walk Team of 3

Shine A Light on Teal 5K Run/Walk Awarness Where & When
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