SMU Exercise is Medicine 5K Walk/Run

Join us on 10/20/2025

(race date estimated)

SMU Exercise is Medicine 5K Walk/Run Race Description

SMU Exercise is Medicine-On Campus 5K Run/Walk is here to spread the positive impacts of exercise on overall physical and mental health. This race is open to all active members of the SMU community including students, staff and faculty. We will run around the tree-lined SMU campus beginning and finish at Doak Walker Plaza. 

Registration will close Friday, October 18th at noon. 

Course Map

A couple of things to keep in mind regarding the race:

  1. Packet Pick-up will be held on:
    1. Wednesday, October 16 at the HR Wellness Fair from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm in Hughes Trigg Student Center – Lower Level
    2. Thursday, October 17 in the Atrium of Annette Simmons Hall from Noon - 4 p.m.
    3. Friday, October 18 in the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports Lobby from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    4. No packet pick-up on race day.
  2. Binkley Parking Garage will be available for race day parking until 7:45 am.  Keep in mind, that we will not permit parking here after this time to ensure the safety of our participants.  
  3. Start time is 8:00 am sharp.  Start/finish line is at Doak Walker Plaza
  4. Restrooms will be located at Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports
  5. It is important to run along the sidewalks as often as possible.  While we will have barriers and roads policed by SMU PD, we are not permitted to close off all streets 100%.  Please be aware of potential traffic along the race course.
  6. No pets are permitted on the course.


Get ready for the SMU Exercise is Medicine 5K Walk/Run

    SMU Exercise is Medicine 5K Walk/Run Where & When

  • Location: Dallas, TX 75275
  • Race Date: 2024/10/20 08:00:00 AM (Sunday)
  • Categories:
    • Student
    • Faculty/Staff
    • Family/Friends

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Dallas, TX Weather

Dallas, TX current weather
  • Thunderstorm 77.9℉ Thunderstorm

  • Join us at the SMU Exercise is Medicine 5K Walk/Run in October for a great race. The SMU Exercise is Medicine 5K Walk/Run works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

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