Soles For Cole 5K
Join us on 05/12/2025
(race date estimated)Soles For Cole 5K Race Description
âHello Everyone:
This amazing crusade was created by Christian Cullen and an amazing army of students (with servant’s hearts) from East Coweta High School in Newnan, Ga. They gathered in 2013 to organize “Soles for Cole”, a 5K run for Cole Croteau, one of their fellow ECHS Indians. Cole is Anne Croteau-Lee and Eric Croteau’s son, and was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic and chronic disease of the lungs and other organs, at the age of three. (Please see more information about CF at
After Cole was diagnosed, he was dropped several times from his insurance company because of the high price of his medical treatments. This caused a financial hardship for his family. The first 2 years of the race the funds were used to help Cole with medical and hospital bills. But on September 28, 2014, Cole made his last visit to the hospital, as his fight with this incurable disease was over. But his faith in Jesus, his love for his friends and family and his hope in helping make a difference was not going to be forgotten.
Before Cole left this earth, a non-profit organization, Breathing Easy Foundation, was formed by Cole, his sister Alexandra Croteau, and a fellow CFer and double lung transplant recipient, Kyle Cole. Their dream was and is to help families, like Cole’s, with the burden of CF. 10% of the funds raised through this run will go to this amazing foundation. (For more information go to
After Cole passed, the Soles for Cole Team wanted to continue his legacy and fulfill his other dream of helping find a cure. Through the help of this non-profit, our first goal is to raise money for research; to give hope to these sweet babies. 70% of the proceeds will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (, to help support research to better understand and find a cure for this fatal disease.
When Cole was diagnosed with CF, even after receiving this news, we were so blessed to have such an abundance of support in the Coweta County area. If you are not familiar with all the precious faces of CF in our area, we hope to donate 10% back into our Cystic Fibrosis Community. This year, at the race, we will talk about this exciting part of the Soles for Cole “GIVING BACK CAMPAIGN”. So please stay tuned……
And for the final will be used to establish a memorial scholarship called The Cole Croteau Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship will be in remembrance of our beloved friend, Cole. It is awarded to students with a “Servant’s Heart”, as well as a good standing academically in their respected school. It is given throughout the Coweta County High Schools and these kids will see firsthand, what Cole’s vision was, and that is to help turn CF into CURE FOUND.
- Location: Senoia, GA 30276
- Race Date: 2018/05/12 05:00:00 PM (Saturday)
- Soles For Cole 5K
- Cole's Dash Fun Run
- Soles For Cole Student Discount
- Soles For Cole Sponsorship Sign Up

Soles For Cole 5K Where & When
Most Helpful Review
Great Race and cause
I have had the pleasure of attending this race 3 years in a row now. It has always been an amazing experience and God is certainly at the center of this cause.
Great Race and cause
I have had the pleasure of attending this race 3 years in a row now. It has always been an amazing experience and God is certainly at the center of this cause.
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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.