SORD's Rare Disease Day Virtual Race 2.29 Miles
Participate by 02/29/2025
(race date estimated)SORD's Rare Disease Day Virtual Race 2.29 Miles Description
With over 7,000 types of rare diseases, over 30 million Americans are affected every year. This year Seminole's Organization for Rare Diseases if hosting a 2.29 mile race to spread awareness for the rare disease community! You can run wherever and whenever (February 29th)! All proceeds will be directly donated to the National Organization for Rare Disorders. We would love if you took a giant leap on this leap year in suppport of all those affected by rare disorders!
- Location: Anywhere
- Race Date: 2016/02/29 05:46:00 PM (Monday)
- Rare Disease Awareness Race

SORD's Rare Disease Day Virtual Race 2.29 Miles
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