SRO Charity Trot

Join us on 04/20/2025

(race date estimated)

SRO Charity Trot Race Description




                      SRO Charity Trot 5K

This community-wide fundraiser is for all ages and skill levels. If you register by April 4, you'll
receive a free 2024 SRO Charity Trot Athletic T-shirt!

Proceeds of the race will go to Qenda Drita e Shpreses, a Christian physical therapy and
rehabilitation center in Pogradec, Albania. Come out and run (or walk) for a good cause!


A community fundraiser 5K race!


Proceeds of the race will go to support Qenda Drita e Shpreses (“Light of Hope”), in Pogradec,


101 E Palouse River Drive


April 20, 2024

8:30 AM registration

9:00 AM race time


Register at the link below! Registration is $20.00, plus a small online processing fee. Register
for the individual category, or, if you’re planning on bringing a baby along for the ride (stroller or
no stroller), register for the stroller category. Kids 10 and under run free!


Students for the Relief of the Oppressed is a student-led ministry of Trinity Reformed Church
dedicated to helping oppressed and suffering people around the globe.

Remember your New Year's Resolution by running (or walking) to support a wonderful mission
in Albania!

Get ready for the SRO Charity Trot

    SRO Charity Trot Where & When

  • Location: Moscow, ID 83843
  • Race Date: 2024/04/20 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
  • Categories:
    • SRO Charity Trot
    • SRO Charity Trot - Stroller

SRO Charity Trot Reviews

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Moscow, ID Weather

SRO Charity Trot weather history
  • Based on a 5 year average and a race date of April 20th, Moscow, ID can expect temperatures between 48℉ and 66℉ with humidity around 66% and precipitation of 0.04".
    Last year the weather condition was Partly cloudy.
  • Moscow, ID current weather
  • Clouds 44.3℉ Clouds

  • Join us at the SRO Charity Trot in April for a great race. The SRO Charity Trot works hard to deliver you a memorable race experience. We would love to hear from you, so consider writing us a review.

    Write Review

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