Super Gav 5K
Join us on 06/29/2025
(race date estimated)Super Gav 5K Race Description
June 29, 2019
Calling all Super Heroes! Gavin Flying for a Cure is hosting a 5K Run/Walk on June 29, 2019, starting at 9 am at Levee Park. All registrations for the 5K will receive a complimentary SuperGav 5K Race Shirt! Please note size of race shirt upon registering.
The Super Kid's Fun Run 1/2 mile race will start at 8:30 a.m. All registrations for the Super Kids Fun Run will receive a complimentary Race Cape!
Super Gav Merchandise will be available for purchase the day of the race!
The event is to raise money for The Leukodystophy Center at The University Of Minnesota's Masonic Children's Hospital. All proceeds will go towards The Gavin Quimby Research Fund. Join us in in helping children with leukodystrophy! Click here to register
Pickup for t-shirts and bib numbers will be held at Island City Brewery Friday June 28 from 4pm to 7pm. Stay for a beer and one dollar of every beer purchase will be donated to The Gavin Quimby Research Fund.
No refunds
BE OUR HERO! EVENT SPONSORS- Merchants Bank and German American Police Officers! We thank Merchants Bank and the German American Police Officers for their leadership in sponsoring our 1st Annual Super Gav 5K!
- Includes Premium logo/name placement at event venue
- Exclusive logo on Super Hero Capes (Super Kids Fun Race)
- Predominant Logo placement on all advertising (print, radio, etc.)
- Super Gav Hero Pack (Up to 8 Race Registrants)
Sponsorships Available!
Super Hero Sponsorship - $1000
- Logo/Name on Race Mile Markers!
- Logo/Name on Official Super Gav Race Shirt
- Logo/Name advertised on all advertising (print, radio, etc.)
- Super Gav Hero Pack (Up to 6 Race Registrants)
Friends of Super Gav - $500
- Logo/Name on Offical Super Gav Race Shirt
- Logo/Name advertised on print, website, & venue
- Super Gav Hero Pack (Up to 4 Race Registrants)
Family Sponsorship - $250
- Logo/Name advertised on website and at venue
- Super Gav Hero Pack (Up to 2 Race Registrants)
All Donations will help us achieve our mission! DEADLINE to be guaranteed sponsorship benefits: May 17, 2019. Thank you for your support!
Gavin Flying for a Cure Non Profit

- Location: Winona, MN 55987
- Race Date: 2019/06/29 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- Super Gav 5K Run/Walk with shirt
- Super Kids Fun Run with Race Cape!
- Be Our Hero! Event Sponsorship
- Super Hero Sponsorship
- Friends of Super Gav
- Family Sponsorship

Super Gav 5K Where & When
Most Helpful Review
Start earlier, best at 7 am.
In the summer, races should start earlier because of the heat.

Start earlier, best at 7 am.
In the summer, races should start earlier because of the heat.

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Last year the weather condition was Overcast.