It's an early am. Park at the legion or at the park or along roads. Race starts with a small incline, then into a short steep hill climb, then a long hill descent, followed by a fairly flat 2nd and 3rd mile. My kids loved the free fun run race. They got ribbons. Bagels, Bananas, water, sport drinks! Loved HyVee's donation of food. Fire department trucks along the way. Get to see the whole town in the run.
It's an early am. Park at the legion or at the park or along roads. Race starts with a small incline, then into a short steep hill climb, then a long hill descent, followed by a fairly flat 2nd and 3rd mile. My kids loved the free fun run race. They got ribbons. Bagels, Bananas, water, sport drinks! Loved HyVee's donation of food. Fire department trucks along the way. Get to see the whole town in the run.
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