Title IX 50th Anniversary 5K
Join us on 09/17/2025
(race date estimated)Title IX 50th Anniversary 5K Race Description
Join us at CSU Pueblo on September 17th to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the landmark law known as Title IX.
In June of 1972, Title IX was enacted to prohibit sexual discrimination in any institution receiving federal funding. Today, it is best known as the amendment that grants women the right to participate in athletics and leads the charge to increase sexual assault awareness and violence prevention.
When signed into law, few knew just how consequential Title IX would be. In just 37 words, Title IX launched a revolution in women's sports and gender equity.
- Early Bird Registration 8/1-8/20
- Regular Registration 8/21-9/5
- Pre-Race Packet Pickup 9/16
- Day Of Registration and Packet Pick-Up 9/17 at 7am
- Race begins 9/17 at 8am
To support this event, vendors and community sponsors are invited to join us at the CSU Pueblo Fountain on the day of the event. To register as an event sponsor, please visit the Sponsors Page. To sign up for a table at the Community Fair, sign up on the Booth Page. To arrange in-kind donations and all other inquiries, email nicole.ferguson@csupueblo.edu.

- Location: Pueblo, CO 81001
- Race Date: 2022/09/17 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Registration (13+)
- Youth 5K (under age 12)
- Late Registration (No Shirt)

Title IX 50th Anniversary 5K Where & When
Title IX 50th Anniversary 5K Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Overcast.