Turkey Trot Race
Join us on 11/28/2025
(race date estimated)Turkey Trot Race Description
The 19th annual Perry Wellington 4.5M Turkey Trot Race consists of a rolling 4.5 mile run, flat 2 mile run and 2 mile walk. One of our most popular family events for locals and those visiting from out of town.
PLEASE REGISTER EARLY as t-shirts will be provided to the first 750 registered racers. Online registration closes at 11:00am on Friday, November 29.
Racers must wear race number to show that you are a race participant. You will have a certain color bib pertaining to what race you are participating in. If you want to change races, you may do so by calling the Blair Regional YMCA at 695-4467 before race day. NO CHANGES ON RACE DAY! If you lose your bib or need a new one issued, for any reason, there will be a $5 fee assessed. For safety reasons, headsets of any kind and pets are not permitted.
NO race registration reimbursements. Remember, if you cannot make it to the event, your registration fee is going towards a good cause.
4.5 Mile Run:
The 4.5m course will start at the YMCA and run up Brush Mountain Road and take the scenic route of Hollidaysburg. The last part of the run will make a right onto Hart Street from N. Montgomery Street instead of going straight to turn on E. First Street. There will be a road marshal to help direct runners. Start/Finish will be at the old main entrance to the YMCA.
2 Mile Run/Walk:
The 2 Mile course is the same as previous years. This is as flat of a course as you can get! 2 Mile runners will be facing the opposite direction of the 4.5 Mile runners. You will start 1 minute ahead of the walkers. Make sure you stand in front of the walkers, they will have a different color bib number on. Walkers will be positioned behind the 2 Mile Runners and start 1 minute behind. Walkers are absolutely not allowed to run at any time! You will have a different color bib on than the runners. Road marshals will ask you to walk if you are seen running. If you would like to run/walk, sign up for the 2 Mile Run as you are more than welcome to run/walk!
Race packets will be available for pick up Friday, November 29th from 5am to 9pm at the Blair Regional YMCA. You may also pick-up your packet on race day here as well.
Awards will be given out immediately following the race. We will be awarding medals for the following categories: 4.5M run top 3 overall finishers, 2M Run & 2M walk overall top finishers. Awards will also be given out to the top three male and female finishers in the following age categories: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 & Over
Awards winners are asked to remain for the Awards Ceremony as no awards will be mailed.
We are looking for volunteers to help as road marshals along the race course. As a road marshal you will receive a race t-shirt and food after the race. Ask a friend, family member or co-worker to come along with you and enjoy all the excitement of helping out and cheering on the race participants!
If you are interested in volunteering for the race or have any questions, please contact Phyllis at 695-4467. We thank you in advance for your volunteered time!

- Location: Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
- Race Date: 2020/11/28 08:30:00 AM (Saturday)
- 4.5
- 2 Mile Run
- 2 Mile Walk

Turkey Trot Race Where & When
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Last year the weather condition was Sunny.