Virtual Race
Participate by 05/23/2025
(race date estimated)Virtual Race Description
Virtual 1 mile walk, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon (for those over achievers). Hip Hip hooray homeschooling is finished so, let's "get together" and move, we are doing a fundraiser for the Baldwin City Food Pantries and the Baldwin City Emergency Fund. All profits will be donated to these charities and Rodrock Chiropractic will match up to $200 in donations! We will be running and recording times (if you don't already please get an app to track your times and distance) and emailing those in so we can post the stats. Run anytime between now and May 23rd, times will be posted on May 26th. So grab your running buddy (if allowed) and let's keep moving.
- Location: Anywhere
- Race Date: 2020/05/23 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 1 Mile Walk
- 5K
- 10K
- Half Marathon