Walk Run Remember Our Fallen
Join us on 08/05/2025
(race date estimated)Walk Run Remember Our Fallen Race Description
This race is a 5K to remember our fallen men and women who have served our country. In honor of SGT. Daniel Gurr on the 5th day of August he was killed in action. This will be the 5th year of his dealth. We not only want to honor him but all who served. The race will start at Uintah High School parking lot and will fallow Aggie Blv. north, east and west side. We will not be using the south side. This is a fun run and no prizes will be given nor times. All proceeds will be given to the Sgt. Daniel Gurr Benefit Fund that supports local scholorships and the memorial at the Vernal Cemitary.

- Location: Vernal, UT 84078
- Race Date: 2016/08/05 08:00:00 PM (Friday)
- 5K

Walk Run Remember Our Fallen Where & When
Walk Run Remember Our Fallen Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Sunny.