WAME Garden Gallop Run & Walk
Join us on 04/10/2025
(race date estimated)WAME Garden Gallop Run & Walk Race Description
Hello! Thanks for your interest in our race! The WAME Garden Gallop Run & Walk is a race to raise awareness for preventing child abuse and providing safe homes for children through family work and foster care. Everyone is encouraged to run, walk, have fun or just cheer others on in the race. Proceeds to benefit Children's Hope Alliance.
About The Race
The WAME Garden Gallop Run & Walk will be held on April 10, 2021 at 9 AM. Check in for the race will start at 7:30 AM. We ask that you arrive to check in no later than 8:15 AM on race day. More detailed information will be emailed prior to race day.
Participants will have the option to run a 3-mile course or walk a 1-mile course.
The race will start and end at Calvary Chapel Lake Norman located at 110 Moose Club Road Statesville, NC 28677. (This is the church located on the corner of Highway 21 and Moose Club Road).
Pre-Registration is open through 03/28/2021 and the cost of the race is $30 per participant. The cost includes a t-shirt for each participant. **T-Shirt sizing may not be guaranteed for those who register after 04/02/2021. Same-day registration will be allowed, but t-shirts may be limited as well for same-day registrants.
Youth Participants
Children age 6 and under do not need to pay to participate with a parent or guardian. T-shirts are not included for children under 6, but may be purchased for $10. Children age 7 and older will need to register as a participant and will receive a t-shirt.
Additional T-Shirts
Additional t-shirts may be purchased/ordered.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please reach out to Cota via phone or text at 828-302-3194.

- Location: Statesville, NC 28677
- Race Date: 2021/04/10 09:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- WAME Run & Walk

WAME Garden Gallop Run & Walk Where & When
WAME Garden Gallop Run & Walk Sponsors
Title Sponsor

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