We Care for Healthcare
Join us on 10/19/2025
(race date estimated)We Care for Healthcare Race Description
WE CARE FOR HEALTHCARE 2019 is a charity event sponsored by the Livingston Hospital Auxiliary. The race this year is dedicated in honor of Kent Giles former CFO of the hospital. He was a dedicated member of the LHHS family and ran in the first, We Care for Healthcare 5K. We are celebrating our mobility with the hope of inspiring our rural community to get active, enjoy the outdoors and get healthy. All proceeds benefit the community through outreach activities and our patients through capital purchases.

- Location: Salem, KY 42078
- Race Date: 2019/10/19 08:00:00 AM (Saturday)
- 5K Race
- 2K walk
- Virtual 5K

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Last year the weather condition was Light rain.