Whippany Fire Super Hero 5k
Join us on 05/03/2025
(race date estimated)Whippany Fire Super Hero 5k Race Description
Race is Sanctioned by USATF and Grand Prix 500pts
Race Time 8:30am Awards 9:45am
ENTRY FEES: $25.00 if pre-registered by April 20th, $30.00 after and day of the race. Students 19 and under and USATF-NJ $22.00 if pre-registered by April 21st, $27.00 after up to April 26th and $30.00 day of the race. Active Military (with proof) $20.00. 1-mile fun run $20.00. Corporate rate for 20 participants or more $20.00 by April 21st $30.00 after and day of the race. All fees non-refundable non-transferrable.
AWARDS: Top three M/F 19 and under, 5 -year age groups 20 thru 85+. Top M/F over all
Top 3 Firefighters running in turn out gear (SCBA optional)
AMENITIES: Custom designed T-shirts guaranteed (adult sizes only) to pre-registrants; post registrants while supplies last. Bag check area.
TIMING BY: Compuscore using Chronotrack BTag Timing
ON LINE REGISTRATION http://wfd5k.com by April 25th
For more info contact Dale Cowley at dcowley@whippanyfire.com or 973-332-2630
- Location: Whippany, NJ 07981
- Race Date: 2020/05/03 08:30:00 AM (Sunday)

Whippany Fire Super Hero 5k Where & When
Whippany Fire Super Hero 5k Reviews
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Last year the weather condition was Patchy rain possible.